Resources, Associations, Links
Under Construction With Your Help!
Consider this page to be a launching pad for further information and resources that
might help anyone or any group involved in supporting and promoting general aviation!
We will provide some initial leads and files that should be quite useful, and
intend for the information to be expanded as rapidly as possible.
While we do not intend to duplicate resources available elsewhere, we are trying to
point the way to them when they are available. In addition, we will consider
providing assistance through technical aid or grants to groups to help them build and
maintain resources which meet our program objectives.
Please add your own favorite sites to our lists! Send us an
email giving the name and URL link for any site you consider complementary, and if
possible provide us a short description of the site and how it complements our work.
- Policy/Airports/Advocacy/Organizing
- Here are a pointers to various aviation organizations and sites, providing information
to help organize state and local groups or obtain publications and other support.
- Museums and Meeting Facilities
- Contact a facility near you to see if your next meeting can be accommodated. Learn
about holding a conference successfully.
- Organizational Development and Grant Writing
- Individuals often finding working with others in a group will provide the most effective
way to accomplish their objectives. But unless you have experience there are many
potential stumbling blocks. Avoid them by learning about how to build a group, how
to manage its affairs, and how to apply for grants.
- Internal and External Communications: Newsletters,
Press Releases
- What good is a great idea of no one knows about it? How will the public know how
GA has helped them if no one tells their stories? How will your own associates know
what you are doing and how they can help?
- Technological Advancement
- How can we make aircraft quieter? More efficient? Less expensive? What
can be done to make airspace simpler and more easily navigated? Who is doing what?
Does your project or specialty belong in this guide?
- Aviation Education - Lists, Links, and other Source
- Did you know there are many individuals and groups involved in promoting aviation
education? Find both major and small groups right here. Learn how local and
state groups are linking their efforts for mutual support.