Tools for Communication: Individuals and groups must develop proficiency with available communications tools in order to succeed in today's world. This section will focus on tips and resources you can use to improve your internal and external communications. We begin our work in this area by promoting effective use of newsletters and press releases. Those with whom you work will not know what you are doing or how they are to be involved if you don't talk to them. Newsletters are an effective, often essential tool for solving this need. And in today's world a newsletter can not only be sent to your associates and members by mail, but it can be emailed or delivered on a web site. The Wolf Aviation Fund has begun a project to provide guidance and resources to help those who wish to produce newsletters. We start with a short guide and some pointers to additional help. Likewise we are starting another focus of effort based on promoting effective media relations for those supporting general aviation. Our first focus here will be providing guidance for producing and distributing press releases. In both cases we are starting to compile lists of additional resources, plus lists of outlets such as television stations, newspapers, magazines, and other media. Our emphasis will be on outlets that emphasize aviation coverage or which will likely be more likely to publish stories to a general audience that will inform them of the wonderful range of activities to be found in general aviation.