FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact for Media Inquiries: Rol Murrow or 575-774-0029 SEE US AT AOPA EXPO - BOOTH # 1 - Public Service Area in LobbyNov. 30 Deadline Nears for Wolf Aviation Fund 2004 GrantsFilm on Alaskan Pilots, Other 2003 Projects Benefit General AviationPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania, October 20, 2004 Aviators, educators, experimenters, and enthusiasts are working on projects and programs all across America to improve general aviation or to tell its story to the public. Among them are last year's winners of Wolf Aviation Fund grants, who are already reporting progress on their projects. Perhaps you or someone you know could use a little support for such a project. If so, visit to see if it might qualify for funding in the 2004 grant program, which ends November 30. Illustrating the wide variety of projects, here is news about some of the most recent efforts already funded. In Alaska, a group of filmmakers are documenting the rich but little known contributions of pioneering Native American pilots who served their remote communities using general aviation aircraft. Also in Alaska, a grant helped support that state's Aviation North EXPO & Symposium. The University Aviation Association used its grant to help provide information about aviation scholarships and other support to thousands of students nationwide. Other grants helped start-up programs in a middle school and junior college while another supports after school outreach. Such educational programs will serve as demonstrators to help others learn how to conduct such efforts. In a similar way an Arizona foundation is using its seed grant to build a program to help needy Civil Air Patrol cadets participate in CAP programs. Hopefully other states can build similar programs. ArtReach International produced a program on women who flew in support of our nation in World War II, while Seattle's Museum of Flight was able to invite accomplished women aviators to come and talk with high school girls about their careers in aviation. Another group is researching how risk-taking activities such as learning to fly empower women and better prepare them to compete in society - and to enjoy success. Supporting our local airports, Galen Hanselman is doing important research on back-country airstrips, enhancing the safety of operations while informing pilots of their existence and amenities. And Gail Sanchez obtained help putting on a special airshow for those with special needs. These and many other projects are typical of those winning small seed and support grants from the Wolf Aviation Fund. Awards support a wide spectrum of proposals fostering and promoting general aviation and its value to society. Grants range from several hundred to ten thousand dollars. The year 2004 program is well under way and the Wolf Aviation Fund hopes to receive many appropriate proposals for consideration for funding before the November 30 deadline. The best way for one to learn about grants is to visit the Fund's website at And for all who love aviation, note that the website is dedicated to the promotion and advancement of general aviation and provides many pages of fascinating and useful information. --- END -- This release and photos may be downloaded from the Wolf Aviation Fund website and used for your treatment of this story. Access this release at:
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