The National Coalition for Aviation and Space Education (NCASE) represents industry and labor united to promote aviation education activities and resources, to increase public understanding of the importance of aviation, and to support educational initiatives at the local, state and national levels. NCASE has developed its web site to help you identify and obtain aviation oriented educational materials and information. Their guide is divided into two sections. The first link below will bring up a list of the NCASE member organizations, including each organization's representative, address, telephone number, and a brief description of the organization. Clicking on the name of each organization in the NCASE listing provides more detailed information about the programs and resources that are available from that group. If a group has a web site, the logo on each detail page provides a link to that site. Visiting the member's web site may provide information on additional educational materials. For instance, a visit to the NCASE member group NATA, the National Air Transportation Association, will bring up information about grants made to teachers in support of aviation education (direct link is http://www.nata-online.org/Student_Teacher_Info.htm ). At the bottom of the member listing is a second link, also provided below, describing some of the materials available from the NCASE member organizations. Note: NCASE does not itself provide educational materials directly, except for its "Guide to Aviation Education Resources." That booklet, like the web site, lists all the groups and the materials available. Please send any request for other materials or information described by a member group directly to them at their address as listed.