Promoting and Supporting General Aviation and the Public's Understanding of it


Aviation Education Resource Centers (AERC)

FAA Aviation Education Resource Centers (AERCs) were originally established at locations such as colleges, universities, museums, and foundations to provide a focal point for resources including aviation education programs, publications, software and video tapes. Designed for students, teachers and researchers, the materials in the AERCs enhanced aviation education and information programs.

Note:  Unfortunately budget cuts and other changes in support to the program means that many if not all of these sites may no longer be functioning, or may have taken on a new mission related to aviation education.  Please let us know of any changes that should be published here.


Alabama - FAA Southern Region


Enterprise-Ozark Community College 

Aviation Campus Ozark 

3405 South U.S. Highway 231 

Ozark, Alabama 36360 



Inquiries may be directed to Ms. Jody Cobb at the

Learning Resource Center


University Aviation Association

3410 Skyway Drive

Auburn, AL 36830


Contact: Ms. Carolyn Williamson

Executive Director


University of North Alabama

UNA - Box 5145

Florence, AL 35632-0001


Contact: Ms. Michelle R. Walker

Programming Coordinator


Alaska - FAA Alaska Region


Alaska Pacific University

AERC Program no longer maintained


University of Alaska Anchorage

3211 Providence Drive

Anchorage, AK 99508


Contact: Ms. Barbara Sokolov, Library Director
or ask for current librarian responsible for aviation education

Note also: The University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA) has a full blown Aviation Technology Department 

University of Alaska Fairbanks

Elmer E. Rasmusson Library

Fairbanks, AK 99775-1006


Contact: Mr. Dennis Stephens, Collection Development Officer
or ask for current librarian responsible for aviation education

Note also: University of Alaska Fairbanks focuses on a Science Education Outreach Network program which has an aviation component ( )

Arizona - FAA Western-Pacific Region


Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

3200 N. Willow Creek Rd.

Prescott, AZ 86301


Contact: Ms. Karen Hudson

Educational Programs Coordinator


University of Arizona

Flandrau Science Center

Tucson, AZ 85721


Contact: Mr. Gilbert McLaughlin


Pima Community College

Aviation Technology Center

7211 South Park Avenue

Tucson, AZ 85706


Contact: Mr. Pete Stogsdill


South Mountain High School

5401 S. 7th Street

Phoenix, AZ 85040


Contact: Mr. Ron Dalton

Center for Aerospace Education


Arkansas - FAA Southwest Region


Aerospace Education Center

3301 E. Roosevelt Rd.

Little Rock, AR 72206


Contact: Mr. Charlie Cook


Crowley's Ridge Ed. Service Coop.

P.O. Box 377

Harrisburg, AR 72432


Contact: Mr. Louis Midkiff


California - FAA Western-Pacific Region


California Apple Valley Science & Technology Center

P.O. Box 2968

Apple Valley, CA 92307


Contact: Mr. Rick Piercy



Fresno Unified School District Instructional Media Center

3132 Fairmont

Fresno, CA 93725


Contact: Ms. Karen Tozlian


Museum of Flying

2772 Donald Douglas Loop N.

Santa Monica, CA 90405


Contact: Mr. Harvey Ferer


Riverside County Office of Education

3939 13th Street

Riverside, CA 92502-0868


Contact: Ms. Mary Ann Liette

Coordinator of AERC


San Bernardino Supt. of Schools

Instructional Services Division

601 North E. Street

San Bernardino, CA 92410-3093


Contact: Ms. Nancy Harlan, Coordinator


San Jose State University Department of Aviation

1 Washington Square

San Jose, CA 95192-0081


Contact: Mr. Nick Milichevich, Chairman


Colorado - FAA Northwest Mountain Region


Metropolitan St. College of Denver

Aerospace Science Department

P.O. Box 173362

Campus Box 30

Denver, CO 80217-3362


Contact: Mr. Jonathan R. Burke

Assistant Professor


U.S. Space Foundation

2860 S. Circle Dr.

Suite 2301

Colorado Springs, CO 80906-4184


Contact: Dr. Jerry Brown

Educational Director


Connecticut - FAA New England Region


Connecticut DOT

Bureau of Aviation & Ports

New England Air Museum

Bradley International Airport

Winsor, CT 06096


Education Director


Platt/Sikorsky School Aviation

Great Meadow Rd.

Stratford, CT 06497


Contact: Ms. Vivian Mazione

Assistant Director


Delaware - FAA Eastern Region


Delaware Teachers Center

Claymont Education Campus

3401 Green Street

Claymont, DE 19703


Contact: Dr. Stephanie Wright


Florida - FAA Southern Region


Center for Management Development

4500 Palm Coast Parkway, SE

Palm Coast, FL 32137


Contact: Mr. Larry Hedman



Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

AvEd Teacher Resource Center

Daytona Beach, FL 32114


Contact: Ms. Patricia Fleener-Ryan


Florida Institute of Technology

Department of Aviation Studies

150 W. University Blvd.

Melbourne, FL 32901-6988

407-768-8000 ext. 8120

Contact: Dr. Ballard M. Barker


Georgia - FAA Southern Region


Conyers Middle School

335 Sigman Rd.

Conyers, GA 30207-3699


Contact: Ms. Viki Dennard

Assistant Principal


East Cobb Middle School

380 Holt Rd.

Marietta, GA 30068


Contact: Mr. Charles Nyren


Museum of Aviation at Robins AFB

P.O. Box 2469

Warner Robins, GA 31099


Contact: Ms. Joyce Carlton

Director of Education


Southern College of Technology

GA Youth & Science Tech Center

1100 S. Marietta Parkway

Marietta, GA 30060-2896


Contact: Mr. Anthony Docal, Director


Hawaii - FAA Western-Pacific Region

Mid-Pacific Institute

Aviation/Space Resource Center

2445 Kaala Street

Honolulu, HI 96822-2204


Contact: Ms. Veronica Balsa, Director


State of Hawaii

Department of Transportation

Honolulu International Airport

Gate 29, EWA Service Ct.

Honolulu, HI 96819-1898


Contact: Mr. Rodney Kuba

Airports Division


Idaho - FAA Northwest Mountain Region


Idaho St. Bureau of Aeronautics

3483 Rickenbacker St.

Boise, ID 83705-5018


Contact: Mr. John Maakestad

Safety/Information Officer


Illinois - FAA Great Lakes Region


NE Illinois University

Chicago Teachers Center

770 N. Halsted St., Suite 420

Chicago, IL 60622-5972


Contact: Ms. Christine Wedam Rosario


College of Education

Parks College of St. Louis University

500 Falling Springs Rd.

Cahokia, IL 62206

618-337-7575 ext 364

Contact: Mr. Paul McLaughlin

Assc VP and Dean


Southern Illinois University

College of Technical Careers

Carbondale, IL 62901


Contact: Dr. Elaine Vitello

Room 222


State of Illinois Division of Aeronautics

One Langhorne Bond Drive

Capital Airport

Springfield, IL 62707-8415


Contact: Mr. Richard M. Ware


Indiana - FAA Great Lakes Region


Indiana College of Placement & Assessment Center

2805 E. 10th Street

Bloomington, IN 47408


Contact: Mr. Hassan Chaharlang

ICPAC Hotline Director


Iowa - FAA Central Region


University of Northern Iowa

222 Schindler Education Center

Cedar Falls, IA 50614-0610


Contact: Ms. Julie Wilkinson, IRTS


Kansas - FAA Central Region


Cloud County Community College

P.O. Box 1002

2221 Campus Drive

Concordia, KS 66901


Contact: Dr. Patricia Altwegg


Hutchison Community College

1300 N. Plum

Hutchinson, KS 67501


Contact: Mr. Edward E. Berger



Kansas State University-Salina

Tullis Library

2408 Scanlan Ave.

Salina, KS 67401


Contact: Mr. Karlene Propst


Kentucky - FAA Southern Region

Shawnee Aviation High School

4018 W. Market St.

Louisville, KY 40212


Contact: Mr. Michael Rowland


Louisiana - FAA Southwest Region


Louisiana State University Transportation Systems Group

LA Trans. Research Center

4101 Gourrier Avenue

Baton Rouge, LA 70808


Contact: Dr. Maron Abbas, Director


Northeast Louisiana University

Chemistry & Natural Sciences Building

Room 103

Monroe, LA 71209-0590


Contact: Mr. Ernie Bruce


Maine - FAA New England Region


Biddeford School Department

Maplewood Avenue

Biddeford, ME 04005


Contact: Ms. Sara Jane Poli


Kennebec Valley Tech. College

92 Western Avenue

Fairfield, ME 04937-0020


Contact: Ms. Sue Doner


Northern Maine Technical Center

33 Edgemont Drive

Presque Isle, ME 04769


Contact: Mr. Timothy Crowley

Dean of Students


Maryland - FAA Eastern Region

University of MD Eastern Shore

Airway Science Program

Princess Anne, MD 21853-1299


Contact: Mr. Abraham Spinak, Director


Massachusetts - FAA New England Region


Bridgewater State College

Management Science & Aviation Science Dept.

Bridgewater, MA 02325


Contact: Mr. Bill Annesley


Lexington Public School System

Curriculum/Science Education

1557 Massachusetts Avenue

Lexington, MA 02173


Contact: Dr. Nicholas Tzimopoulos



Massachusetts Aeronautics Commission

Transportation Library

10 Park Plaza

Boston, MA 02116-3966


Contact: Dr. Toby Penstlen


North Shore Community College

One Ferncroft Road

Danvers, MA 01923

508-762-4000, x6296

Contact: Dr. Robert Finklestein


Westfield State College

Ely Campus Center

Western Avenue

Westfield, MA 01086

413-568-3311, x206

Contact: Ms. Maureen McCartney

Director of Career Services


Michigan - FAA Great Lakes Region


Michigan Dept of Transportation

Bureau of Aeronautics

2700 East Airport Service Drive

Lansing, MI 48906


Contact: Mr. Thornas Krashen, Manager


Oakland University

Aviation & Space Center

216 O'Dowd Hall, #216

Rochester, MI 48309-4401


Contact: Ms. Karen Conrad

Interim Director


Project STARS

Bok 450082

Building 814

Selfridge ANG Base, MI 48045


Contact: Ms. Barbara Koscak


Minnesota - FAA Great Lakes Region


Minnesota DOT Office of Aeronautics

Aviation Education Relations

222 East Plato Boulevard

St. Paul, MN 55107-1618


Contact: Mr. Gordon Hoff, Director


Vermilion Community College

1900 E. Camp Street

Ely, MN 55731


Contact: Mr. Julius Salinas

Aviation Director


Mississippi - FAA Southern Region


Jackson State University

1400 Lynch Street

Airway Science Program

Jackson, MS 39217


Contact: Dr. Harry Cooley



Stringer Aerospace Education Center

P.O. Box 68

Old Highway 15

Stringer, MS 39481


Contact: Mr. Mark Rice


Missouri - FAA Central Region


Lincoln University

Career Advisement Planning & Placement Center

127 Thompkins Center

Jefferson City, MO 65102-0029


Contact: Mr. Al Myers, Director


Montana - FAA Northwest Mountain Region


Montana DOT

Aeronautics Division

P.O. Box 5178

Helena, MT 59601


Contact: Mr. Michael Ferguson


Nebraska - FAA Central Region


Nebraska Department of Aeronautics

P.O. Box 82088

Lincoln, NE 68501-2088


Contact: Mr. Val Hruska

Aviation Specialist


University of Nebraska

Aviation Institute

60th and Dodge

Omaha, NE 68182-0508


Contact: Dr. Brent Bowen, Director


Nevada - FAA Western-Pacific Region


Galena High School Commission Library

3600 Butch Cassidy Way

Reno, NV 89511


Contact: Mr. Frankie Lukasko


New Hampshire - FAA New England Region


Atlantic Community College

5100 Black Horse Pike

Mays Landing, NJ 08330


Contact: Mr. Paul Rigby


Daniel Webster College

20 University Drive

Nashua, NH 03063-1699

Contact: Ms. Hanna McCarthy



New Hampshire DOT Division of Aeronautics

65 Airport Road

Concord Municpal Airport

Concord, NH 03301-5298


Contact: Mr. Ronald Wanner


New Jersey - FAA Eastern Region


NE Curriculum Coordination Center

Division of Vocational Education

Crest Way

Aberdeen, NJ 07747


Contact: Dr. Martha Pocsi


New Mexico - FAA Southwest Region


New Mexico State University

Goddard Hall

Room 103

Las Cruces, NM 88003-0001


Contact: Ms. Judy McShannon


University of New Mexico

Division of Continuing Education

FAA/NASA Teacher Resource Center

Albuqerque, NM 87131-4006


Contact: Mr. Richard Sanchez, Director


New York - FAA Eastern Region


Dowling College

Oakdale Long Island, NY 11769


Contact: Martin M. Holley, Dean of Aviation


North Carolina - FAA Southern Region


Elizabeth Aviation High School

1704 Weeksville Road

Elizabeth City, NC 40212


Contact: Ms. Helen Caldwell


Wright Brothers National Memorial

US 158 By-Pass

Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948


Contact: Mr. Warren Wren


North Dakota - FAA Great Lakes Region


University of North Dakota

Department of Aviation

Box 8216

University Station

Grand Forks, ND 58202-8216


Contact: Mr. Charles Robertson

Assistant Professor


Ohio - FAA Great Lakes Region

Aviation Studies Program

Bowling Green State University

Bowling Green, OH 43403-0307


Contact: Dr. Royce Ann Martin

Associate Professor



Oklahoma - FAA Southwest Region


Oklahoma State University

FAA Resource Center

308A CITD Building

Stillwater, OK 74078


Contact: Mr. Steve Marks


University of Oklahoma

Education & Aviation/Aerospace

1700 Asp Avenue

Norman, OK 73037-0001


Contact: Dr. Lee Morris, Director


Oregon - FAA Northwest Mountain Region


Oregon DOT

Aeronautics Division

3040 25th Street, SE

Salem, OR 97310-0100


Contact: Ms. Elizabeth Johnson


Pennsylvania - FAA Eastern Region


Community College of Beaver County

Aviation Sciences Center

125 Cessna Drive

Beaver Falls, PA 15010-1080


Contact: Mr. Robert Powell

Assistant Professor


Rhode Island - FAA New England Region


Warwick Public Schools

Warwick Career & Tech School

575 Centerville Road

Warwick, RI 02886


Contact: Mr. Anthony Gagliardi


South Carolina - FAA Southern Region


Clinton Junior College

P.O. Box 968

Rock Hill, SC 29731




South Dakota - FAA Great Lakes Region


Sisseton Wapheton Community College

Office of Planning & Development

Old Agency Box 689

Sisseton, SD 57262-0689


Contact: Mr. Chip Harris, Director


Tennessee - FAA Southern Region


Middle Tennessee State University

Aerospace Department

East Main Street

P.O. Box 67 MTSU

Murfreesboro, TN 37132


Contact: Dr. Wallace Maples, Chairman


Texas - FAA Southwest Region


Frontiers of Flight Museum

Love Field Terminal, BL-38

Dallas, TX 75235


Contact: Mr. Olin Lancaster, Director


Palo Alto College

Aviation Department

1400 West Villarette

San Antonio, TX 78224


Contact: Mr. Bruce Hoover


Texas Southern University

Airway Science Program

3100 Cleburne Avenue

Houston, TX 77004


Contact: Mr. Isaac Nettey, Director


Texas State Technical College

Aerospace Technologies

3801 Campus Drive

Waco, TX 78708


Contact: Campus Librarian


University of Texas at El Paso

Room 403

Education Building

El Paso, TX 79968-0574


Contact: Dr. Jim Milson



Utah - FAA Northwest Mountain Region


Utah Valley State College

Aviation Science Department

800 West 1200 South

Orem, UT 84058-5999

801-222-8000, x8436

Contact: Dr. P.R. "Ron" Smart, Director


Vermont - FAA New England Region


St. Johnsbury Academy

St. Johnsbury, VT 05816


Contact: Mr. John Barney

Vocational Director


State of Vermont

Rm A-322 Burlington Tech. Center

52 Institute Road

Burlington, VT 05401


Contact: Mr. Rick Sylvester

Aviation Instructor


Virginia - FAA Eastern Region

Virginia Department of Aviation

5702 Gulfstream Road

Richmond, VA 23250


Contact: Ms. Betty Wilson


Washington - FAA Northwest Mountain Region


Museum of Flight

9404 East Marginal Way South

Seattle, WA 98108


Contact: Mr. Gregory Moyce

Education Program Manager


West Virginia - FAA Eastern Region


Salem-Teikyo University

223 West Main Street

Salem, WV 26426


Contact: Dr. Ronald Ohl, President


Wisconsin - FAA Great Lakes Region


Department of Transportation Bureau of Aeronautics

4802 Sheboygan Avenue

P.O. Box 7914

Madison, WI 53707-7914


Contact: Mr. Duane Esse


Experimental Aircraft Association

EAA Aviation Center

3000 Poberezny Road

Oshkosh, WI 54903-3065


Contact: Mr. Chuck Larsen


University of Wisconsin-Superior

Division of Education

1800 Grand Avenue

Superior, WI 54880-2898


Contact: Mr. Michael Wallschlaeger



Wyoming - FAA Northwest Mountain Region


Campbell County School District Media Services

525 W. Lakeway Road

Gillette, WY 82718


Contact: Ms. Toni Brown


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